We're inviting you to join our club & community today.
We promote cycling as a social, recreational and competitive activity, accessible for all ages and abilities.
What’s on
Contested over distances of 50, 100 and 12 hours. To qualify riders must have a result at 50 miles, 100 miles and 12 hours. All open events qualify.
Contested over distances of 50, 100 and 12 hours. To qualify riders must have a result at 50 miles, 100 miles and 12 hours. All open events qualify.
Contested over distances of 25, 50 and 100 miles. To qualify riders must have a result at 25 miles, 50 miles and 100 miles. All open events and club 25 qualify.
Contested over distances of 10 and 25 miles. To qualify riders must have a result at 10 miles and 25 miles.
All national and club events qualify.
Awarded to the Junior who records the fastest time at 25 miles in any event.
Contested by the Seamons riders only at CLUB10 on Wednesday nights.
At each race the winner is awarded 30 points, reducing by 1 point per place,
(or in the case of a dead heat for a place the riders are awarded equal points,
and the next rider’s points are less by the number of riders dead heating).
Points are awarded in all 16 events.
Points total is calculated on your highest scoring 12 events.
If an event is cancelled then the number of scoring events is reduced by 1.
Competed for on a points system. The member who achieves the highest aggregate points score will be the club champion. Points will be allocated to members for actual places in any number of BC or TLI Cycling promoted road or circuit races during the road race season, e.g. 6 points for 1st place down to 1 point for 6th place.
Competed for on a points system. The member who achieves the highest aggregate points score will be the club champion. Points will be allocated to members for actual places in any number of BC or TLI Cycling promoted road or circuit races during the road race season, e.g. 6 points for 1st place down to 1 point for 6th place.
Competed for by veteran riders, aged 40+, in any number of BC, BMCR (fomerly LVRC) and TLI Cycling promoted road or circuit races during the road race season. The riders best ability category placings in BC events, and/or age-category placings in TLI or BMCR events, to be counted.
Points will be awarded for the top six placings within an ability category (BC), or age-category (TLI or BMCR), in any such event. (Six points for 1st place down to one point for 6th place).
The veteran with the highest aggregate points score will be the champion.Female veteran members will normally compete in the age-category (TLI & BMCR ) appropriate to a male competitor 10 years older.
Will be awarded to the Youth member who achieves the highest aggregate points score using a system based on 3 time trials and 3 road (or closed circuit) races.
The Youth Champion is the member who attains the highest number of points for actual places in up to 3 (10 mile) club time trials and up to 3 road or circuit races.
Time Trial points will be those allocated on the Club 10 Points Table website page and, for Road or Circuit races, 24 pts for a1st, 22 for 2nd, 20 for 3rd, 18 for 4th, 16 for 5th and 14 for 6th, in any BC or TLI Cycling road or circuit races.
Contested over distances of 25, 50 and 100 miles. To qualify riders must have a time at 25, 50 and 100 miles.
This competition is restricted to the events listed below.
25 miles | 18 Jun | Seamons Club Championship 25 (JC/25E)
25 miles | 12 Jul | Seamons Open 25 (J2/9)
25 miles | 09 Aug | Weaver Valley CC (J2/9)
50 miles | 11 May | Dunkinfield CC (J4/9)
50 miles | 14 Jun | M&DTTA (J4/9)
50 miles | 03 Aug | Congleton CC (J4/9)
100 miles | 26 May | Anfield 100 WCTTCA (D100/8)
100 miles | 13 Jul | North Lancs TTA (L10010)
Contested over distances of 10, 25 and 50 miles. To qualify riders must have a time at 10, 25 and 50 miles.
This competition is restricted to the events listed below.
10 miles | 22 Mar | M&DTTA (J4/20)
10 miles | 05 Apr | M&DTTA (J4/20)
10 miles | 14 May | Seamons Club Championship 10 (JC/10E)
25 miles | 18 Jun | Seamons Club Championship 25 (JC/25E)
25 miles | 12 Jul | Seamons Open 25 (J2/9)
25 miles | 09 Aug | M&D LCA (J2/9)
50 miles | 11 May | Dunkinfield CC (J4/9)
50 miles | 14 Jun | M&DTTA (J4/9)
50 miles | 03 Aug | Congleton CC (J4/9)
Contested over three 10 mile and three 25 mile events. To qualify riders must have a time at 10 and 25 miles.
This competition is restricted to the events listed below.
10 miles | 22 Mar | M&DTTA (J4/20)
10 miles | 05 Apr | M&DTTA (J4/20)
10 miles | 14 May | Seamons Club Championship 10 (JC/10E)
25 miles | 18 Jun | Seamons Club Championship 25 (JC/25E)
25 miles | 12 Jul | Seamons Open 25 (J2/9)
25 miles | 09 Aug | M&D LCA / Weaver Valley CC (J2/9)
For all road race championships, where a rider has taken part in a Stage race, then he/she is entitled to count the accumulated points from individual stages (not including time trial stages) or points for the General Classification position. Whichever is the greater, but not both.
We promote cycling as a social, recreational and competitive activity, accessible for all ages and abilities.