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Club Hill Climb next Sunday (3rd October)
27 September 2021 :
This coming Sunday (3/10) is the Club Hill Climb competition which takes place at approximately 11:15 on Withenshaw Lane, near Sutton. Road bikes are used for this event and EVERYBODY is welcome to have a go or to spectate and shout encouragement. This is followed by the Free-wheel competition (great fun and open to all) – basically start at the top of a small hill and free-wheel to the bottom of this hill and as far up the slope on the other side as you can – disqualified if pedals are used! Sign on for hill climb before the start, club will cover CTT levy. Sign on not required for free-wheel competition.
As ever, we need helpers (time-keeper, starter, one additional marshal). We also need someone who is prepared to drive there and take a few signs. Please contact me ASAP if you can help.